Heart Sutra Study
The Heart of Great Perfect Wisdom Sutra (Mahāprajñāpāramitāhṛdaya Sūtra) is widley considered to be one of the most profound spiritual writings in existence, and it is a foundational text for Zen and Mahayana Buddhism in general. A thorough study of the Heart Sutra should include a review of the basic teachings of Buddhism, so this 8-week class will include a discussion of the Five Skandhas, the Eighteen Elements, the Four Noble Truths, the Twelve-fold Chain and the Two Truths.
But at it’s core the Heart Sutra is a mirror for the study of the self, so a primary focus of this class will be an examination how the teachings of emptiness deepen our understanding of what it means to be a human being and how they support us in living an awakened life.
Recommended readings include:
The Heart Sutra by Red Pine and Living by Vow by Shohaku Okumura (see the chapter on The Heart Sutra).
This class took place during early 2021, but you can view recordings of the Heart Sutra Class here.
The Heart of Great Perfect Wisdom Sutra (Mahāprajñāpāramitāhṛdaya Sūtra) is widley considered to be one of the most profound spiritual writings in existence, and it is a foundational text for Zen and Mahayana Buddhism in general. A thorough study of the Heart Sutra should include a review of the basic teachings of Buddhism, so this 8-week class will include a discussion of the Five Skandhas, the Eighteen Elements, the Four Noble Truths, the Twelve-fold Chain and the Two Truths.
But at it’s core the Heart Sutra is a mirror for the study of the self, so a primary focus of this class will be an examination how the teachings of emptiness deepen our understanding of what it means to be a human being and how they support us in living an awakened life.
Recommended readings include:
The Heart Sutra by Red Pine and Living by Vow by Shohaku Okumura (see the chapter on The Heart Sutra).
This class took place during early 2021, but you can view recordings of the Heart Sutra Class here.